Return Policy

*Al returns must accompany the orioina packacind and include al oricinal accessories which accompanied the oricinal shioment
We stand behind our products. ltems can be returned for exchange or full refund within 30 days from the date you receive
Please ontact us beiore vou retum it Reum shiooina s the resonsibiiy of buver uness the etum s a resut of our mistake ie-the wrono/ deectve tem has deen sent
We wil pay for shioino reolacement bak to you fan exchanpe s ecuested. f a deective roduct was receved, dease do ot hestate to cortact us via emal within 7 das. We wil response in 24 hours tresolve the problem.
Your 100% satisfaction is utmost important to us: we pledae to do evervthing possible to gain your trust and approvaAny questions, please feel free to contact us.(Reply within 24 hours)Email: